Frequently Asked Questions
Can you send me a Price List?
As every Cake which I make is unique, it is impossible to issue a Price List. However, I am very happy to give guidance. Please see my Prices and Delivery page for further information.
Can you deliver my cake?
I am always happy to deliver a Cake. Please see my Prices and Delivery page for further information.
Who will actually make my cake?
All my cakes are made by me personally. You will deal with me from your first enquiry until you take delivery of your Cake. My service is a genuinely personal one.
Where can I see some of your cakes?
If you visit me, I always have some cakes to view. Alternatively you might like to visit my stand at an exhibition. For details of where you can find me this year, please see my Shows and Fairs page.
How can I decide what size cake I need?
There are many factors which you need to consider. It is not only a matter of the number of persons attending your celebration. The time of day, the age of persons attending and the availability of other food are some of the factors to be taken into account. I shall be very happy to give guidance.
Are you able to put a photograph on my Cake?
Yes, this is no problem. using computer technology, and a specialist printer with edible colouring in place of ink, I can create a photograph or other image on your Cake. All I need from you is the photograph which I will return to you. For further details and pictures of examples, please look at my Exclusive Ideas! page.
I have heard that you create 'Newspaper' Cakes. What are these?
These are my invention! Using computer technology, I create a cake in the style of a Newspaper.The lead story is about the relevant person or event. The other stories are genuine stories taken from a newspaper of the date being celebrated, for example, the person's birth-date. For further details and pictures of examples, please look at my Exclusive Ideas! page. They are a truly personal gift.
I have heard that you create 'Interest' Cakes. What are these?
I create a cake to depict images of a person's interests, hobbies or their life generally with the use of models, pictures and images created in icing. I can also incorporate photographs. For further details and pictures of examples, please look at my Exclusive Ideas! page. They are always created for a particular individual and are therefore very special indeed.
What choice of cake mix do you offer?
I offer a wide choice of mixes including traditional light sponge, lemon sponge, chocolate sponge and, of course, fruit finished with high quality marzipan and smooth icing. Where more than one cake is required, I am happy to 'mix 'n' match! This means that a three tier wedding cake can offer three different mixes. I also offer my own specialism - chocolate crunch! Ask me about that!
Can I try some cake before I place an order?
You certainly can! Why not make an appointment to visit me when you can try some of my cake and see just how different it is? For details of how to contact me, please see my Contact Me page.
Can you supply an allergen-free cake?
No supplier can guarantee against the presence of a prohibited ingredient, unless it is a specialist supplier of allergen free products. Therefore, I advise my customers to use only such specialist suppliers.
Can I visit you to discuss my requirements?
I would be delighted to see you! I am always very pleased to see customers by appointment. For details of how to contact me, please see my Contact Me page. For details of how to locate me, please see my Maps and Directions page.
How much notice do you need?
It depends entirely on the week in question. I may be able to take an order for the next day. Alternatively, six months' notice might be too little. As I make all my cakes personally, there is a limit to what I can achieve in any given period. The best advice is to contact me as soon as you can. I am always happy to reserve a 'slot' even if you do not know exaclty what you will want.
Will you ice and decorate cakes which I have made?
I appreciate that occasionally, brides would like to have their wedding cakes made by a member of the family or a family friend who does not have the skills to ice and decorate them. Provided that they are fruit cakes, I am happy to provide this service to you, which will result in a small saving over the cost of my full service.